New generation of recruiting





Introducing a new way to recruit.

That is the vision for Peopl, the recruiting platform that helps companies to find the perfect candidates. The app offers an open bank with talented people available right at your fingertip.

What we did


Visual Identity

UI / UX Design

Webflow Development

The Challenge

Finding qualified candidates it's hard, and expensive.
And it also takes time. To save time, most companies are forced to hire third-party companies to help them find candidates. And the price companies pay is unreasonably high.

The Solution

An open candidate bank. Where companies easily can search and filter down to find their next candidate, right at their fingertip.

The Result

Creating an engaging way to recruit. Because when we analyzed the current landscape of recruiting platforms out there, we immediately saw a common pattern – their lack of user experience of personalization, engagement and intuitiveness.

An early strategy to attract a younger generation was to mix the experience of today's social media apps together with job platforms – beautiful design captures interest, user-friendly design is what keeps them. It was our starting point to penetrate competing products. Every view and structure is well thought out and the number of reduced steps was the key to success.

Crafting immersive experiences that connect and convert.

Your vision becomes a reality, backed by strategic development and forward-thinking design.